Title: "Unrequited Love: A Boy's Journey - Part 1"
Once upon a time, in a small school in a quiet town, there lived a boy named Ethan. He was just an ordinary fourth-grader until one day, when he met a girl named Emma. They quickly became inseparable, spending their days studying together, laughing, and playing in the schoolyard. It was a friendship that seemed destined to last forever.
As time passed, Emma moved on to the fifth grade, leaving Ethan behind in class four. Little did Ethan know, that day marked the last time he would ever see Emma at school. The long summer holidays came and went, but Emma never returned. Ethan missed her terribly, and his days were filled with thoughts of her. He waited eagerly for her return, clinging to the hope that she would come back to school one day.
Year after year, Ethan's hope never waned. He disconnected himself from the outside world, choosing to dwell in the memories of their time together. His heart ached with the absence of his dearest friend. But the boy's life took a drastic turn when he reached eighth grade.
In a fit of anger, Ethan engaged in a bloody fight with another student, and the incident sent shockwaves through the school. It was then that Ethan's character file was opened for the first time, and his parents were informed that any more such incidents would result in them losing their jobs. Determined to change, Ethan vowed never to fight again, and he transformed himself.
By ninth grade, Ethan began using Facebook in a desperate attempt to find Emma. However, his limited knowledge of English led him to make several mistakes, including adding one of Emma's friends as a "crush" without understanding the meaning of the term. This blunder led to a series of embarrassing situations and deepened Ethan's problems in school.
Ethan's school life became a nightmare. He loathed going to school but had no choice. After completing eleventh grade, a new admission brought a glimmer of hope back into Ethan's life. A girl who bore a striking resemblance to Emma entered the school, sparking excitement among his friends. They rushed to tell Ethan about her, convinced that Emma had finally returned.
With a heart pounding in anticipation, Ethan sprinted towards the new girl. However, his excitement turned into disappointment as he discovered that she was not Emma. Crushed, Ethan continued his search for Emma on social media, but as the years passed, his hope dwindled. He had all but given up when a miracle occurred.
Ethan finally crossed paths with Emma once more. After spending a year building a friendship, he mustered the courage to confess his feelings to her. However, his heartache deepened as Emma gently rejected his advances. Ethan accepted her decision, determined to keep his promise of being there for her whenever she needed him.
Life moved on, and Ethan made new friends in college. Yet, they too abandoned him due to some mistakes he didn't commit. Just as he felt alone and defeated, a new girl entered his life, and the tale of his unrequited love takes an unexpected turn.
To be continued in Part 2…